Oct 25, 2022
Bio- I am a soulful coach and heart-led content creator who is following my soul’s calling to cultivate greater love, inner strength, and healing in the world. I approach my clients with warmth, understanding, and honesty.
As an overcomer of childhood sexual trauma, addiction, domestic abuse, and chronic illness, I devoted many years to healing myself. Yet, I still struggled to maintain healthy relationships, even into adulthood.
I liberated myself from these toxic patterns for good by delving deep into shadow work, meditation, Taoism, ancestral healing, and intersectional feminism. My approach to successful inner healing has been both spiritual and intellectual.
Now I’d like to share my wisdom with you. I am dedicated to helping you build deep self love, to liberate yourself from toxic beliefs and systems, and to finally experience healthy love that lasts.
Much love, light, and shadow,
Song Kim
Guest Links-
Song’s website - https://www.songkim.co/
Song on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/loveguidesong/
Song on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSjdFg1uMo6ODn2UKOthSmA
Song’s Podcast - https://anchor.fm/lovesongpodcast
Messages in Water - https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Messages-Water-Masaru-Emoto/dp/0743289803
Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at info@traildames.com
You can find the Trail Dames at:
Our website: https://www.traildames.com
The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/
Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
"Dance Upon This Earth"